EcoLogic Capital, LLC, a proud correspondent member of the CounterpointeSRE family, delivers custom financing solutions for all types energy efficiency and improvements projects. Working primarily with contractors, developers, and vendors, we offer a wide variety of financial products for their commercial clients.

Since the mid 80s, our team has been at the forefront of the financial landscape providing clients with loans, capital and operating leases, PACE financing, Prepaid PPAs, and Mezzanine Debt. We continue to deliver the optimal financing products designed to meet you and your client’s Strategic Financial Objectives (SFO).

SFO is not always the lowest rate. Quite often, the lowest payment might be preferred to the lowest rate. Other times, the lowest rate may require using up credit lines making them unavailable for future projects. Further, it doesn’t always make sense to take the lowest rate when a slightly higher rate is available without any personal or corporate guarantees.

At EcoLogic Capital we listen first (to your objectives) and then, recommend a viable solution.

Our financing covers virtually any asset under the energy efficiency umbrella (Solar, Fuel Cells, Cogeneration, Roofing, HVAC, etc). Our financing structures include a construction component allowing for a one-stop shop. We offer the following financing structures: PACE financing, Prepaid Power Purchase Agreements (“PPA”​), Mezzanine PACE, as well as Tax/Non-Tax Leases and Loans.

We provide PPA products that include both debt based and cash purchased structures. A well structured PPA can be used in CASH purchases to immediately reduce the project cost. Contractors can offer their clients a reduced project cost without affecting their margins. PPAs can be used with For-Profit Commercial companies as well Non-Profits.

Our services are delivered nationwide to all types of end-user clients including: Commercial (for profit), Non-Profit (including houses of worship), and Municipalities.